Glofcheskie here, 4th year NANS student and Academic Commissioner
for our student association. I have the privilege of writing our first blog post
for the 2013-2014 school year. On behalf of all of us on the exec, welcome to
our official blog!
you’re reading this, it’s safe to bet that you’re conscientious when it comes
to nutrition, food and health (or at least I hope you are!) In this post, I
want to talk a bit about locally grown food, why it’s important and where you
can get it.

The agri-food sector is a key component
of Ontario's economy. In fact, this past Monday, Premier Kathleen
Wynne announced a $30-million fund to promote local food. Buying local means that you’re
supporting local farmers, sustainable farming practices and helping to reduce
air pollution and packaging waste. Not only does fresh food taste better, but
it tends to be more nutritious: the shorter the time it takes food to get from
farm to table, the less likely it is that nutrients will be lost. For example, 24 to 48 hours after harvest, 50%—89% of
vitamin C is lost from leafy vegetables. Bagged spinach loses about half its
folate and carotenoids after being stored in refrigeration for just four days. Now,
just think about the nutrients in produce that is imported from other countries
or continents. In general, by becoming more mindful of the food we eat, we are
more likely to make healthy choices and consume less processed foods with added
preservatives, sugar and fat.
no secret that agriculture is a key player in our local economy here in Guelph: there are 2, 588 farms in our region. So where can you go to get your
hands on some local food? The
Guelph Farmer’s Market is one hot spot to check out. Open year round, it has
between 60-120 vendors selling a wide variety of meat, breads, fruits and
veggies, ethnic foods and more. If
you’ve never been, now is the time to go, as many fruits
and veggies are in season Aside from local farmer’s markets, you can also get
your Ontario food fix at fruit and veggie stands, supermarkets, restaurants and
other businesses.
Here’s a great website
that includes a directory of all of the places in the region where you can get
local food: http://www.guelphwellingtonlocalfood.ca/find-local-food#retailersdistributors
great resource is Foodland Ontario’s Availability Guide, where you can see when
fruits and veggies are in season: http://www.foodland.gov.on.ca/english/availability/fruits.html#.Uj3pw4asiSo
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