There may not be a "magic cure" or preventative way to make our bodies resistant to any illness, but there are nutritional strategies that can be implemented to ensure we are at our best when this flu season comes around.
1. Pumpkin: I'm sure most of you haven't heard of pumpkin as a remedy to colds and flus, but in reality, this is just one of many orange vegetables that has an antioxidant effect as they are packed full of beta-carotene. Make sure you're including bright vegetables in your diet at least three times per week!
2. Kiwi: This is a quick and easy way to consume an entire day's worth of Vitamin C! Other options to ensure you're getting your recommended intake of Vitamin C are broccoli and red peppers.
3. Milk: Milk is a rich source of Vitamin D, and as the darker days of winter approach, we aren't getting as much Vitamin D from the sun. This vitamin-packed drink provides a great immunity boost, and just a few glasses a day can provide the vitamins we need. If you aren't a milk drinker, other sources of Vitamin D are fortified juices, fish (salmon), and eggs.
4. Oysters: This one may seem a little strange, and even unappetizing to most of you, but the real magic behind oysters is their zinc content. Studies involving zinc have seen an improvement in immunity, and not very much is needed for this effect- only about one serving, or 13 milligrams of zinc. Other zinc-rich foods are beef, spinach, cashews, and cocoa (now there's an appetizing zinc source!)
5. Water: This may be the single most important nutrient in both preventing colds, and also fighting them off once they appear. Our body is comprised primarily of water, so maintaining high levels of this essential nutrient can promote healthy blood and muscle, and well, pretty much healthy everything! Hydration becomes even more important once an illness is present, as fluids are lost readily through runny noses, sneezing, and fevers.
So stay hydrated and well-nourished, and good luck with the upcoming winter season!