Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Multivitamins may boost our memory

Its exam time again! According to a randomized controlled trial data, multivitamins may boost your memory. A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement with herbal ingredients added to it was found to boost the memory of older women. However, there were no effects seen for other mental processes in this study conducted from Australia. Older women were given supplements for sixteen weeks and they had significant improvement in spatial working memory. This is great because our cognitive performance naturally declines with age. The supplements also had no adverse effects (so it can be taken daily), levels of vitamin B6 and B12 increased, and there was a decrease in the amino acid homocysteine (associated with dementia). Even though this study involved older women, I think it can apply to us and improve our spatial working memory. So I’ll keep taking my multivitamins to boost my memory and help me study during exam time

Check out this article at:

From Jessica P

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

5 ways Green Tea is good for your oral health!

1. It fights cavities! Who knew? Green tea helps control bacteria and therefore tooth decay and can help prevent cavities
2.Healthy gums! Green tea's antioxidant effects can help prevent gum disease
3.Keep your teeth! Green tea helps prevent tooth loss because of numbers 1 and 2. Healthy teeth (i.e. no cavities and healthy gums) are not likely to fall out. 
4.Cancer! Green tea helps control oral cancers by slowing the progression
5. Better breath! Unlike coffee, green tea can improve your breath because of the anti-microbial properties

Check out this link for further informtion and tips on drinking green tea to reap these benefits.


Sunday, 6 November 2011

Yogurt: Health Food or Dessert?

I’ve recently read a few chapters out of “What to Eat” by Marion Nestle, and one chapter in particular kept my attention simply because I can admit to falling victim to the assumption that all yogurts make a healthy snack.  The author makes her opinion clear, saying “Yogurt, it seems, has performed a marketing miracle; it is a fast-selling dairy dessert with the aura of a health food”.

When you see all kinds of yogurts lined up in the grocery store, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the choices of flavours that lay before you.  There seems to be a common theme between all the different flavours – that being sweetness.  Some fruit flavoured yogurts may very well have real fruit in them, but there are plenty that simply add concentrated fruit juices and added colours just to contribute to the visual of the “fruitiness”.  The sweeter the flavour of your yogurt, the more sweeteners your yogurt is bound to contain – fructose, fruit concentrates, corn syrup, and other artificial sweeteners.  To contribute to the health food aura yogurt tries to maintain, fruit flavours are what you’ll find most of when you visit the grocery store.

                   Since most of these fruit-flavoured yogurts will contain more sugar than fruit, your best bet is to buy a plain yogurt and add fresh fruit to it – you’ll know exactly what you’re getting into!  A great way to consume this is to make it into a smoothie – that way you still feel as if you’re getting a treat. One cup of non-fat or low-fat milk, ¾ cup of plain yogurt and around ¾ cup of your favourite frozen fruit blended together are good proportions to start off with (if you’re using fresh fruit, add a couple ice cubes as needed to thicken it up).  I find using a mixture of strawberries and pineapples helps avoid the temptation to add refined sugar – they sweeten your smoothie naturally! Enjoy J